Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What will they say... when it all ends?

Morbid as it may be, ever think of what your eulogy will say? How will you be remembered? What will you be remembered for?

Many of us trudge through life chasing deadlines and "dreams". Deadlines imposed on us by ourselves, dreams thrusted upon us by society. If you are currently pursuing internships, joining competitions, running for leadership positions and taking part in overseas programmes, maybe you have entered a race... a rat race.

Sometimes I wonder why we do what we do. Call me sheltered but I am surrounded by a large majority of people who want the best things in life. A high-powered career, a luxury car, a beautiful house and quality items around them. Unknowingly, many of us have been sucked into a vortex. A hole with no bottom, a race with no end.

Remember how back in primary school your teachers used to tell you that primary school is like a 6-lap race around the school track? In primary 6, they motivated you by telling you that you've already run 5 laps and with the final lap in sight, you should work harder and finish with a bang.

Guess what? It's a decade later and you're still in that damn track. Running and running, never stopping because people beside you seem to have boundless energy and only stop to mock those who have lost their strength to keep running.

At this point I'd like to share an interesting article.

"Researchers have found that low self-esteem and materialism are not just a correlation, but also a causal relationship where low self esteem increases materialism, and materialism can also create low self-esteem. The also found that as self esteem increases, materialism decreases."

I believe many will find some truth in this article but won't have the strength to take a stand. Hey, I'm one of them. Still, sometimes I wonder whether there's more to life than running this race. There must be a reason why I'm here in the first place. Maybe that's why I'm venturing into social entrepreneurship... to use what I've learnt to benefit people. How? I shall write about that in the next post. For now, back to that one thought...

What will your eulogy say? How will you be remembered and what will you be remembered for?

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