Monday, February 9, 2009

A Weekend in School

Spending a weekend of makeup classes and meetings in school doesn't seem to be a foreign idea to the average SMU student.

Look, I get it. Business school students have been said to be "hungrier", taking on all sorts of different activities in and outside school. But where does it end?

I'm currently participating in a research that tracks the daily experience of SMU students. I get to rank my satisfaction levels of many aspects of my life daily, including the weather, amount of leisure time and social life. There seems to be one item in common for the past 7 days - low satisfaction for the amount of leisure time.

As I was walking to get coffee today, I started thinking... is what we're doing even possible? I know that a business degree is only as good as what comes along at the side but surely there is a limit to how much we can do.

I really want to poll some students and professors to see how much time should they feel they should devote to certain tasks like projects, studying for quizzes and preparation for classes. With some basic assumptions like 30 minutes for lunch, 1 hour for transport and 8 hours of sleep etc, add them all up and see whether its humanly possible.

Who knows? Maybe it will all add up to a healthy amount and prove that we're just complaining for nothing. Or maybe it will show that we really need more than 24 hours a day. What do you think?

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