Monday, March 16, 2009

Have you been SIFE-ed?

It's here again. The beginning of a new team's SIFE journey. It seems like it was just yesterday that I got selected to be part of our SIFE 08 team. I still remember the hours and hours in school. Working until nothing made much sense, sending my teammates home at really late hours in the night.

I've always asked myself whether it was worth it. For a good 3 months, nothing else existed in my life. In terms of skills, my presentation skills have improved. I've become more critical in assessing business feasibility. I've been introduced to so many business models and have learnt so much from them. The thing is, I think it's only now that I see the real value behind my experience.

For the past 8 months, I've been obsessing over trying to find a self sustainable business model for a social enterprise. I've been experimenting with several ideas and working on a couple of projects. I've become more aware of people around me, realising that I'm very lucky to be where I am and to be given what I have. I believe that's the true value of taking part in SIFE. To be inspired by the projects and make a change in your own life to become more aware.

Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) - Check it out.


  1. Hey!

    I didn't know you read my blog =) anyway SIFE 2009, HERE WE COME! =)
